At Mysa, we are committed to a fully renewable resource to power our spa facilities. Our biomass woodchip boiler creates optimal efficiency and emissions through a commercial thinning wood chipping method. This ensures Prince Edwards Island’s forests remain strong and lush for generations to come.
Our Process
1. WoodChip Gasification
In a typical wood-burning application, fuel combusts and becomes gas, giving off heat as it escapes up the chimney. Our wood gasification boilers push gasses through a second chamber where they are blasted with O2, creating a second burn to maximize fuel efficiency.
2. Efficiency
Typical boiler systems provide 30%-50% efficiency after a thorough cleaning, which only degrades once the boiler is restarted. Mysa’s boiler combustion efficiency is 92%-94%. Our system also self-cleans itself every 90 minutes to ensure peak efficiency is consistent.
3. Emissions
The boiler combustion process adjusts itself in real-time, based on the emissions coming from the boiler. It monitors the emissions produced after the combustion process and uses this data to alter and drive the combustion feeding process.
Our Source
Commercial Thinning
How do we source our fuel? Specialized harvesting equipment is used to identify and remove trees that are either standing dead wood or are crowding/stunting the surrounding growth. Over time, sustainable thinning increases the overall density of woodland. This process expedites natural re-generation (normally influenced by fire, flood, pests, etc.) through stewardship and sustainable management of the ecosystem.